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You’re Invited PRO-PASS Reservation System Webinar – April 10 & 11

There will be two opportunities to join a live course on Wednesday, April 10, and also on Thursday, April 11.

The webinar is tailored toward new and current users of PRO-PASS who would like to be reacquainted with basic PRO-PASS features, tips and tricks to make navigating PRO-PASS easier.

Included topics:

  • Registration Process
  • Affiliations and Security Groups
  • Reservation Moves and Reservation Visits
  • Properly Creating, Editing and Canceling a Reservation
  • Reservation Status Interpretation
  • Containers Watch-list and Last Free Day (LFD) Visibility
  • Truck Groups
  • Account/User Management

Please register using one of the links below:

Apr. 10 1:00 – 1:45 PM (45 mins.)

Apr. 11 11:00 – 11:45 (45 mins.)

If you have any questions, please contact the Port of Virginia’s Motor Carrier Experience / Reservation team here: Port of Virginia Reservation Support