UPDATE December 27, 2023
Effective Monday, January 1, 2024, the Port of Virginia will observe the following gate hour changes:
- Norfolk International Terminal (NIT) and Virginia International Gateway (VIG) will open at 0600 hours, with an inbound portal closure of 1700 hours
- PRO-PASS mandatory reservation hours will be in effect from 0600 – 1500 hours
- Mandatory reservation period will conclude at 1500 hours
- Final reefer pick-up at 1630
- The Pinner’s Point Container Yard (PPCY), Portsmouth Chassis Yard (PCY), Reefer Service Area (RSA) and the Annex will open at 0600 hours, with last trucks in / last units handled at 1730 hours
- All empty returns will be designated by the Empty Return Matrix
The current Saturday gate program for Virginia International Gateway (VIG) will remain unchanged VIG Saturday Gate Hours and Supporting Facilities – Effective Saturday, November 11, 2023
Our motor carrier partners are reminded of the Hampton Blvd. restricted hours Hampton Boulevard – Safety Reminders
If you have any questions, please contact the Port of Virginia’s Customer Service team here: Port of Virginia Customer Service
We will continually review commercial performance and forecasts, ensuring that gate hour capacity aligns with customer demand.
Thank you for your partnership, and for your business.